Approches transdisciplinaires : Empire britannique CM

Approches transdisciplinaires : Empire britannique CM
Licence Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionalesParcours Études anglophones


Le cours de culture générale permet de contextualiser les connaissances acquises dans les cours de la licence d’études anglophones. Il vise le décloisonnement des savoirs grâce à une perspective pluridisciplinaire qui permet de mieux comprendre les phénomènes historiques et culturels dans leur complexité et leurs interrelations. Il aborde aussi les grandes théories interprétatives qui permettent une réflexion approfondie sur les rapports entre culture et société. L'étudiant construit ainsi la culture générale indispensable tant à la poursuite de ses études qu'à sa future vie professionnelle.
 General knowledge classes will enable students to contextualize the knowledge acquired throughout the licence d’études anglophones. They aim at reconnecting separate domains of knowledge through a multidisciplinary approach and lead to a better understanding of complex and interrelated historical and cultural processes. General knowledge classes will also familiarize students with broad analytical theories to apprehend how culture and society are related. Students will build for themselves a body of general knowledge necessary for the successful completion of their graduate studies and future professional life.

Introduction to the British Empire (Part 2)

The study of the English-speaking world cannot be confined to the geographical boundaries of the United Kingdom and the United States alone. It encompasses a much broader history and culture, resulting from the development of the British Empire since the late 16th century and its reconfiguration into the Commonwealth in the 20th century. 

Drawing on the analysis of literary and visual documents, these 6 lectures aim to continue the exploration of the British Empire started in the first year by studying its development from the late 18th to the early 20th century, with a particular focus on the end of the 19th century. While the period is often portrayed as a golden age for the Empire, we will also look at the serious challenges that Britain faced overseas, such as signs of emerging opposition to the British Raj in India and a controversial war in Africa.

Compétences visées

Macro-compétences : contextualiser des faits, des productions, des connaissances/ Adopter une approche réflexive et critique des objets d’étude.

S'organiser et planifier son travail *
 Utiliser différentes méthodes de travail *
 Chercher de l'information *
 Comprendre le fonctionnement de la langue *
 Contextualiser ***
 Analyser textes et documents *
 Synthétiser, décloisonner, transférer ***


  • Études anglophones


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