European Policies towards old and new minorities

European Policies towards old and new minorities
Master Langues et sociétésParcours Euroculture


Class 1


Topic of the course, explanation of the syllabus, overview on literature,
organization of class

Basic concepts: minority, migrants, racism, discrimination

Class 2

Nationalism and minorities
1. Typology of nationalisms
2. Nation-States and ethnic groups
3. European nation and regional identities
4. What is a national struggle?

Class 3

International instruments on the protection of minorities

1. The League of Nations
2. The United Nations
3. The Council of Europe
4. The OSCE
5. What instruments for monitoring international engagements?

Class 4

Religious minorities

1. State-Religion relations in European Union
2. Religious infrastructures and minorities
3. Use of religious freedom
4. What is a minority Religion?

Class 5

Transnational communities, state policies and public opinion

1. Definition of a Diaspora
2. Differences between Diaspora and Minorities
3. Stateless Diaspora : what protection ?

Class 6

New Minorities: a new concept for a new European identity

1. Differences between migrants and groups resulting from migrations
2. Participation to political and social life
3. Specific policies for specific needs
4. New minorities and new diasporas in European countries

Class 7

Muslim Minorities in Europe 21

1. Legal treatment of Muslim groups in Europe
2. Ad hoc solutions to a European “problem”
3. Triangle of group/resident state/kin state

Class 8

Racism Theories

1. What is a race?
2. Differences between race and ethnic group
3. History of Racism

Class 9

Students’ presentations

Compétences requises

English, European culture, European history, international law

Compétences visées

This course will analyse the minority concept under three scientific perspectives:
Sociology, Law and Political science.

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi

Each student will write a research paper and will present his/her work in


  • Études anglophones

Informations complémentaires

Samim Akgönül


Required reading texts will be distributed during class. Students may refer to the
following bibliography too :
Anderson Benedict, Imagined communities, London, Verso, 2000 (1983).
Barth Fredrick, Ethnic Groups and Boundaries, Boston, Little Brown & Company, 1969.
Brubaker Rogers, Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany, Cambridge, Harvard
University Press, 1992.
Cesari Jocelyne, McLoughlin Sean (eds.), European Muslims and Secular State, Adelshot,
Ashgate, 2006.
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities- Collected Texts, Strasbourg,
Council of Europe Publishing, 2005
Gellner Ernst, Nations and Nationalism, New York, Cornell University Press, 1983.
Habermas Jurgen, Inclusion of the Other: Studies in Political Theory, Cambridge, Blackwell,
Horowitz Donald, Ethnic groups in conflict, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1985.
Kymlicka, Will, Multicultural citizenship, a liberal theory of minority rights, Oxford, Clarendon,
Thornberry Patrick, Estebanez Maria Amor, Minority Rights in Europe, Strasbourg, Council of
Europe Publishing, 2004.
Wilson Thomas, Donnan Hastings (eds.) Border Identities. Nation and State at international
frontiers, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998.


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement