Méthodologie et outils de la localisation

Méthodologie et outils de la localisation
Master Langues étrangères appliquées (LEA)Parcours Caweb : communication web multilingue


Localization is the process of making a product linguistically and culturally appropriate for the target country or region. Localization is a vital activity in any industry since it allows businesses to expand their services or products internationally. The localization sector is thriving, and in this course, we will learn all the basics to get started in this exciting industry, including:

  • main concepts
  • types of content
  • different profiles and models
  • different processes involved in the localization cycle

The students will take the Localization Essentials by Google MOOC in order to understand the different topics as explained by one of the most successful companies of all times.

After understanding the general concepts of localization, we will then delve into the ins and outs of videogames localization, as a support example of software and multi-media localization, providing a general overview on processes involved in translations, audio dialogs recordings and localization testing.

Compétences visées

  • Understanding the main concepts of the localization industry.
  • Understanding different types of content to be localized and their main characteristics.
  • Understanding how the localization cycle works and all the stakeholders involved.
  • Having an overview of the different tools used in the localization industry.
  • Understanding the quality control process and project management practices in the field of localization/game localization.
  • Getting familiar with the game localization industry and its career opportunities.
  • Understanding game localization as a translation field that combines features of software localization and multimedia content.
  • Getting familiar with different game localization content types: in-game text, scripts, additional text and marketing, audio dubbing and animations dependencies, etc.


  • Sciences de l'information et de la communication