Massimiliano Bampi (Université de Trente) : Forms of Writing in the Medieval North: Multi-text Manuscripts from a Cultural-Historical Perspective

Événement passé

Conférence du Professeur Massimiliano Bampi (Université de Trente)

Forms of Writing in the Medieval North: Multi-text Manuscripts from a Cultural-Historical Perspective





23 mai 2024
10h 12h
Patio, salle 42.02 et sur

Le Professeur Massimiliano Bampi est invité par l’USIAS

The usual form of transmission of medieval texts is the multi-text manuscript. Why is it crucial to read and study texts transmitted in this way as part of a text collection? What do multi-text manuscripts tell us about medieval culture and the use of literary works? These and other related questions will be discussed by illustrating some examples of Nordic multi-text manuscripts from the late medieval period.


Conférence : 10h-12h

LIEU : Patio, salle 42.02 et sur

LANGUES : conférence en anglais