Langue orale
Master Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionalesParcours Langues et sciences des données


Advanced oral communication: Enhancing proficiency and clarity of expression for academic presentations 
 This advanced course builds upon skills from the first semester, with continued emphasis on efficient delivery but with an additional focus on expanding vocabulary and organizing ideas effectively. Students will engage in activities that promote the use of precise and nuanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions to articulate their ideas with clarity. Emphasis will continue to be placed on delivering oral presentations either in preparation for assignments in literature, history, and linguistics, or based on the students' personal research project and the M1 defense exam.

Compétences visées

Comprendre un discours long sur un sujet complexe. Comprendre l'implicite d'un message. Etre capable d'identifier différents registres de langue. Etre capable d'identifier les intentions des locuteurs


  • Études anglophones