Reading skills and writing skills
Master Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionalesParcours Études anglophones


Reading Skills, S1, UE1
The main focus of this course lies in the study of critical point of view and argumentation in academic texts. We will explore various theoretical approaches that inform 20th- and 21st-century academic production. This course helps students strengthen their skills of in-depth and survey reading of critical texts, situate critical papers in their academic and intellectual contexts, connect their own analyses to wider intellectual debates, and encourages them to become active, engaged readers. Each student is asked to do an oral presentation of a critical approach of their choice. All students are invited to formulate questions based on their colleagues’ presentations and to participate in an intellectual discussion about the premises, goals and methodology of their research in relation to the topics discussed.

12h TD/semestre

Writing Skills, S1, UE1

How we write is almost as important as what we write. But how does one write in a critical fashion? What is critical writing? In this practice-led course comprising obligatory writing assignments (in class and at home), students will be incited to develop an objective writing style by working on short critical reviews of articles and texts. They will also be expected to write a preliminary critical statement that could provide the basis for their future M1 research project. This class is run along the lines of a workshop where participation is obligatory.

12h TD/semestre

Compétences visées

Reading skills : Analyser textes et documents ; s’exprimer et dialoguer ; contextualiser ; prendre position et construire un argument abouti à l’oral et à l’écrit ; synthétiser, décloisonner, transférer ; s’organiser et planifier son travail.  Writing skills: Prendre position et construire un argument abouti ; analyser textes et documents ; contextualiser ; s’exprimer et dialoguer ; synthétiser, décloisonner, transférer ; s’organiser et planifier son travail.


  • Études anglophones