Langue orale
Master Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionalesParcours Études anglophones


Advanced oral communication: Enhancing fluency and appropriacy for academic presentations
This course on advanced speaking skills aims to enhance students' oral communication abilities, focusing on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency, as well as elaborate and authentic expression. Throughout the course, students will engage in activities such as debates, lightning talks, pecha kuchas, and presentations requiring in-depth synthesis and interpretation of academic content. They will refine their presentation skills through providing and receiving constructive feedback on content organization and persuasive techniques.

Compétences visées

S'exprimer avec aisance devant un public. Présenter oralement un sujet complexe dans une langue claire et précise. Identifier les différents registres de langue et s'y adapter.


  • Études anglophones

Informations complémentaires

Monika Pukli :
