Chercheur post-doctorant au département d’Études Scandinaves


University Positions & Degrees:

Curriculum Vitae

2019-2021: Postdoc Researcher at Département d’Études Scandinaves, Faculté des Langues, Université de Strasbourg, and as such part of the Aesthetics of Protestantism in Northern Europe research project, headed by Professor Mohnike (Université de Strasbourg) and Professor Joachim Grage (University of Freiburg).

2014-2018: PhD Fellow at History at the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University, Denmark. In the PhD assessment, my dissertation on Georg Brandes is, by the committee consisting of Prof. Frederik Stjernfeldt (AAU), Prof. Stefanie von Schnurbein (HU) and Prof. Lasse Horne Kjærgaard (RUC) called “a significant scholarly achievement (…) (it) adds important points and perspectives both to Brandes’ scholarship and to the history of cosmopolitanism. The quality of SBH’s argumentation and substantiation is high, and the dissertation is well-researched, well-written and skillfully composed.”

2016: Visiting PhD Fellow for 3 months at Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. I was invited by Prof. Stefanie von Schnurbein, an expert on Danish-Jewish literary and cultural history.

2008: MA in Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen. My thesis was recommended for publication and was published in 2012. Supervisor: Prof. Martin Zerlang

2008: MA in “Teacher in Danish as a second language”, Uni. of Copenhagen.

2004-2005: Erasmus student for 2 semesters at Institut für Germanistik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, as part of my MA at the Uni. of Copenhagen.

2003: BA in Comparative Literature, Uni. of Copenhagen.

Teaching experience:

2020: Co-Teaching a BA course on Scandinavian Literature after 1945 along with Prof. Thomas Mohnike at Université de Strasbourg.

2017-2019: Part-time Lecturer and Research Assistant at the Department of History at RUC. Teaching and supervising at BA and MA level, for example, by co-teaching a Humanistic Methods BA course and a MA course on historiographical theory. Supervising students on topics such as fin-de-siècle and global age dystopias/utopias, crisis narratives, the ideology of modern antisemitism vs. present day populisms, comparison of ancient hero types with present-day hero types, etc..

2016/2018: Teacher and organizer of the MA level course Modern Utopias and Dystopias, 1850-1914 on three occasions at History, Roskilde University.

2016: Co-teacher and co-organizer of the course Global History with Prof. Michael Harbsmeier. Master Level course at History, Roskilde University.

2015: Co-teacher and co-organizer of the course Jewish History is Transnational History together with Prof. Jakob Egholm Feldt, MA level course at History, Roskilde University.

2012-2013: Part-time Lecturer at Comparative Literature, Uni. of Copenhagen. Teaching and organizing courses on the utopias in Henrik Pontoppidan’s writings and the gaucho stories of Jorge Luis Borges at BA and MA level.

2008-2014: Teacher in Danish as a second-language at ”IA-Sprog”, Copenhagen. Teaching experience in levels A1-C2.

Scholarly Publications

2021: Editing, translation (along with Simon Palmer) and excerpt selection of Henri Nathansen’s Indenfor Murene (Inside the Walls) (1912) to Volume 7 of the Posen Library, an encyclopedic anthology of Jewish Culture and Civilization, edited by Israel Bartal (Hebrew Uni. of Jerusalem) and Kenneth Moss (John Hopkins University). Published on Yale University Press in collaboration with the Posen Foundation (Accepted/ in press).

2021: The article “Brandes’ Erasing of Cosmopolitanism and Jewishness” in Lasse Horne Kjældgaard & Jens Bjerrring-Hansen (ed.): The Internationalist Moment. Ideas and Politics in the Making of Georg Brandes as a Public Intellectual (article accepted).

2021: ”Georg Simmel’s Exkurs über den Fremden and the Jewish Question of the Fin-de-siècle Period” in Jewish Quarterly Review (JGR), University of Penn Press (essay accepted).

2021: “Georg Simmel’s Stranger, Moritz Lazarus’ “Was heisst National?” and the Jewish Question of the Fin-de-siècle Period” in the Jewish Studies anthology: Jews and Strangers (ed. Catherine Bartlett & Joachim Schlör) (Brill has recently accepted the different articles as an anthology).

2020: Son of Spinoza. Georg Brandes and the Modern Jewish Cosmopolitanism (my dissertation reworked into book form will be published in the autumn 2020), Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2020 (accepted).

2020: “Boundaries of the Stranger” in the European Journal of Scandinavian Studies, Vol. 2020/02, De Gruyter (article accepted).

2020: “Georg Brandes and the Transnational Vision” in the comparative literature/ Jewish Studies anthology: Places and Media of Encounters. Transfer, Mediality and Situative of Jewish Literature” (ed. by Olaf Terpitz and Marianne Windsperger), Leiden: Brill, 2020.

2019: ”It is Hellas and Israel to which Europe owes its culture” – Georg Brandes’ Re- Interpretations of the Athens vs. Jerusalem Dichotomy” in Jewish Cultural History: boundaries, experiences, and sense-making (ed. Maja Gildin Zuckermann and Jakob Egholm Feldt), London: Routledge, 2019. ISBN: 9780429324048.

2018: Georg Brandes’ Representations of Jewishness: Between Grand Recreations of the Past and Transformative Visions of the Future. PhD Dissertation: Roskilde University, 2018.

2016: “Georg Brandes’ moderne jøde: om en rodfæstet og åben kosmopolitisme” (“Georg Brandes’ modern Jew: A rooted and open cosmopolitanism”) in Kritik (ed. Elisabeth Friis & Ursula Andkjær Olsen), vol. 216-217: 2016, ISBN: 9788702202762.

2012: Borges og Gauchofortællingerne (Borges and the Gaucho Stories), Copenhagen: Forlaget Spring, 2012 (processed book version of my Master’s Thesis). ISBN: 978-87-92381-381-37- 8.

Other Publications/ Journalism

2019: Co-editing of the 2019 annual edition of Rambam, a journal that focuses on the Danish Jewish cultural history.

2019: In June 2019, Kristelig Dagblad interviewed me on my PhD on Brandes: til-dansk-kultur-fordi-han-var-joede.

2019: Chronicle in the Danish newspaper Kristelig Dagblad: ”Det jødiske miljø hvor Lykke-Per forløser sine visioner” (on the 12th of February, 2019, ”The Jewish environment of Henrik Pontoppidan’s Lucky-Per). The chronicle was about Bille August’s film version of Nobel Prize winner Henrik Pontoppidan’s Lykke-Per (1898-1904/05).

2017: Interview with Prof. Adam Sutcliffe on the topic of Philosemitism on the RUC History Channel. Prof. Adam Sutcliffe from King’s College London is an expert on Philosemitism:

2016: Pod-cast Interview with Associate Professor Moritz Schramm (University of Southern Denmark) about the research project “Post-Migration” (funded by The Danish Council for Independent Research and lead by Moritz Schramm) on the RUC History Channel:

Conferences, Public Events, Seminars

October 2020: Participation with a paper at the “Religious Minorities in the Nordic Countries” conference, organized by Professor Cordelia Hess (Universität Greifswald) and Professor Jonathan Adams (University of Gothenburg).

August 2020: Participation with a paper on the “Aesthetics of Protestantism of and Utopia of the Welfare State in Henrik Pontoppidan’s Lykke-Per” at the annual IASS (International Association of Scandinavian Studies) held this year in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Nov. 2019: Keynote Speaker (together with Associate Professor Jan Schwarz (Lund University) at the public debate event of Vartov Højskole in Copenhagen, titled “Goldschmidt, Grundtvig og det danske – Integration gennem 200 år” (Goldschmidt, Grundtvig and Danishness – Integration throughout 200 years”),

Sept. 2019: Keynote Speaker (together with Lecturer Jan Schwartz (Lund University) at the public debate event of Georg Brandes-Selskabet (The Georg Brandes Society) at Politikens Foredragssal in Copenhagen titled “Brandes, Goldschmidt, og jødisk identitet” (“Brandes, Goldschmidt and Jewish Identity”), ei7Fh6xe1J6Q9GbzOWzQihdBBF3KG2DBpiGu-r1G0VM8k.

May 2019: Participation with a paper in the panel “Multilingualism and Jewishness in Scandinavian Literature” together with Senior Lecturer Elisabeth Friis (Lund Uni.) and Senior Lecturer Jan Schwartz (Lund Uni.) at the CSS Conference 2019: “Scandinavian Languages and Literatures in the World – Prospects and Challenges” at Lund University, May 16-18.

July 2018: Participation with a paper at the “Jews and Strangers” conference at Leo Baeck College, London, organized and hosted by Dr. Catherine Bartlett and Professor Joachim Schlör. See the program:

March 2017: Organizer of the one-day seminar “The Stranger as Ideal” at Roskilde University. Here, papers were presented which discussed projections of the Jewish stranger figure prior to Georg Simmel’s “Exkurs über den Fremden” (1908). The participants: Prof. Amos Morris- Reich (Uni. of Haifa), Prof. Adam Sutcliffe (King’s College London), Prof. Jakob Egholm Feldt (RUC), and PhD Fellow Søren Blak Hjortshøj (RUC).

July 2016: Participation with a paper in the workshop “Places and Media of Encounters. Transfer, Mediality and Situative of Jewish Literatur”, part of the ICLA Conference at the Uni. Wien.

April 2016: Participation with a paper presentation in the PhD Seminar: ”Transformations: Travelling cultures, cosmopolitan identities and migratory memories,” org. by Associate Professor Moritz Schramm (SDU), Associate Professor Anne Ring Petersen (KU), and Associate Professor Karen-Margrethe Simonsen (AU).

July 2015: Participation in “Jews on the Move: Translocation, Transmissions and Transformations in Jewish Culture”, at the Hebrew Uni. in Jerusalem, co-organized with the Uni. of Pennsylvania. After applying, I was chosen to be part of this interesting summer school organized by Prof. Elisheva Baumgarten (The Hebrew Uni. to Jerusalem) and Prof. Steven P. Weitzman (Uni. of Pennsylvania), where, among others, Prof. Dr. Vivian Liska (Uni. of Antwerp) and Prof. Tobias Brinkmann (Penn State Uni.) conducted lectures and workshops.

May 2015: Co-organizer of the conference “Jews, Jewishness and its Cultural-Historical Significance in Modern Times” at Roskilde University. I organized and participated with a paper in the panel “Philosemitic and Jewish Interpretations of “Modern Jewishness”” in which Prof. Adam Sutcliffe (King’s College London) also participated. Dr. Nils Roemer (The Uni. of Texas at Dallas) and Prof. Dr. Michael Brenner (Ludvig Maximillians Uni. München) among others participated in this two-day conference.