Séminaire SEARCH / IUF avec Michael Docherty (University of Innsbruck)

27 octobre 2023
Salle de la table ronde, MISHA

MICHAEL DOCHERTY (UNIVERSITY OF INNSBRUCK): “Imagining Elsewhere: Space, Possibility, and California in African American Fiction”.

Post-1960s African American fiction, this talk will argue, responds both to California’s contested and ambiguous role in histories of African American liberation and to a dichotomous
sense of extreme possibility (at once utopian and apocalyptic) that defines the cultural construction of California.

Michael Docherty is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Innsbruck. His research primarily considers how California has been constructed in American (and indeed global)
imaginaries, and how fiction has both shaped and been shaped by California’s unique spatial, racial, and cultural histories.

You can download the full bio and the abstract below.


Date : 27 octobre 2023
Horaire : 10h – 12h
Lieu : Salle de la table ronde, MISHA, Université de Strasbourg
Contact: manoles[at]unistra.fr